Toru's TESOL Life

My Reflective Thought on TESOL-related Lecture,Books,and Articles. Also, Useful Information Links. This blog stops posting new articles now. My current blog is as follows. This blog is mainly on thought about my teaching days and private life.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Back to Work- Vocabulary /Motivation/ Writing

Back to work.
Though i was feeling relaxed too much after a graduation test, i back to work these days.

Thanks for starting a class on Vocabulary, i begin to read some articles in a reading packet.
1) the vocabulary size for effective conversation in English is a bit larger (3000) than was expected before(2000), 2)Technical vocabulary is not just in vocabulary in Academic Word List or low-frequency vocabulary, but is hidden even in high-frequency vocabulary. 3) Validity and reliability of Nation's Vocabulary Level Test is successfuly confirmed using various stats. Three articles are all include not only professional and academic skills and knowlege to explore, but some implication teachers can elicit.

I woud like to add some lit review about L2 motivation to my body parts of the reseach paper i finished. Though it is hard to take steps to download various articles ( i'm in the middle of accessing the service TUJ offers), i begin to read some articles about L2 motivation. But i cannot see now how the lit review directly connect to "purpose of research" section in my paper. hahaha.

I would like to contribute to a presentation that would be given at Writing Symposium held in Japan this fall. So i begin to read some articles about writing and computer. Though it is tough to read something most of which is new to me, i would deal with it hoping it would be smoother to do that.

The three things will make up of my life academically until i go back to Hokkaido. I'll do my best.

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