Toru's TESOL Life

My Reflective Thought on TESOL-related Lecture,Books,and Articles. Also, Useful Information Links. This blog stops posting new articles now. My current blog is as follows. This blog is mainly on thought about my teaching days and private life.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bear Fruit

Sorry for being late for letting you guys know, but my effort for publication bore fruit at this April. Thanks to the great generosity and ability of the main presenter at JALT CALL presentation mentioned before at this blog, we were able to publish an article on blogging. The result is because of you guys' cheering me up continuously through blogging interaction on line. Thank you sooo much!
The information on the article is here, though full text is not available on line. Anyway, thank you so much again, and I'll keep on blogging in order to get your and my energy acrossed!

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Reference on Blog Writing

Absalom,M. and Marden, M.P. (2004). Email communication and language learning at university: An Austalian case study. Computer assisted language learning, 17(3-4), 403-440

Barrios, B. (2003). The year of the blog: Weblogs in the writing classroom. Retrieved February 27, 2007 from

Beglar, D. & Hunt, A. (1999)
Revising and validating the 2000 Word Level and University Word Level Vocabulary Tests Language Testing 16(2) 131-162

Braine, G. (1997). Beyond word-processing: networked computers in ESL writing classes. Computers and Composition, 14: 45-58

Brown, H. (2001). Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy. New York: Longman

Casanave, C, P. (2004). Controversies in Second Language Writing: Dilemmas and Decisions in Research and Instruction. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press

Cooper, M. & Selfe, C. (1990). Computer conferences and learning: Authority, resistance, and internally persuasive discourse. College English, 52, 847-869.

Coxhead, A. (2000). A new Academic Word List. TESOL Quarterly 34(2), 213-238.

Ellis, N.C. (2003). Constructions, chunking, and conncectionism: The emergence of second language structure. In C.J. Doughty & M.H. Long (Eds.), The handbook of second language acquisition (pp, 63-103). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Ellis, R. (2005). Principles of instructed language learning. System 33, 209-224.
Foster, P., Tonkyn, A., & Wigglesworth, G. (2000). Measuring spoken language: A unit for all reasons. Applied Linguistics, 21, 354-375.

Fellner,T. & Apple, M. (2006). Developing writing fluency and lexical complexity with blogs. The JALT CALL Journal, 2(1), 15-26

Fotos, S.(2004). Writing as talking: E-mail exchange for promoting proficiency and motivation in the foreign language classroom. In S.Fotos & C.Browne (Eds). New Perspectives on CALL for Second and Foreign Language Classrooms (pp,109-129). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Hyland, K. (2002). Teaching and Researching Writing: Applied Linguistics in Action. Harlow: Longman, 2002.

Kern, R. (1995). Reconstructing classroom interaction with networked computers: Effects on quantity and quality of language production. Modern Language Journal. 79(4), 457-476.

Lam, W. S. E. (2000). Second language literacy and the design of the self: A case study of a teenager writing on the Internet. TESOL Quarterly, 34(3), 457-483.

Lam, W. S. E. and Kramsch, C. (2003). The Ecology of an SLA Community in Computer-Mediated Environments in Leather, J. & J. van Dam (eds.), Ecology of Language Acquisition. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Publishers.

Lam, W. S. E. (2006). Re-envisioning Language, Literacy, and the Immigrant Subject in New Mediascapes. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 1 (3), 171-195.

Laufer, B. (1994). The lexical profile of second language writing: Does it change over time? RELC Journal, 25(2), 21-33

Laufer, B. (1998). The development of passive and active vocabulary in a second language: same or different? Applied Linguitics 19(2), 255-271

Laufer, B. & Nation, P. (1995). Vocabulary size and use: Lexical richness in L2 written production. Applied Linguistics 16(3), 307-322

Laufer, B. & Nation, P. (1999). A vocabulary-size test of controlled productive ability Language Testing, 16(1), 36 -55

Laufer, B. & Paribakht,T.S. (1998). The relationship between passive and active vocabularies: Effects of language learning context. Language Learning 48(3), 365-391

Leki, I. and Carson, J.G.. (1994). Students' perceptions of EAP writing instruction and writing needs across the disciplines. TESOL Quarterly 28, 81-101

Matsuda, P. K. (2001). Voice in Japanese written discourse: Implications for second language writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 10(1-2), 35-53
Matsuda, P., Canagarajah, A. S., Harklau, L., Hyland, K., & Warschauer, M. (2003). Changing currents in second language writing research. Journal of Second Language Writing, 12(2), 159-179.

Mixi press release (2007), People using Mixi went beyond the line of eight million. Retrieved February 12, 2007 from

Nation, I. S. P. (1983). Testing and teaching vocabulary. Guidelines, 5 12-25.

Nation, I. S. P. (1990). Teaching and learning vocabulary. Massachusetts: Newbury House.

Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pawley, A. and Syder, F.H. (1983). Two puzzles for linguistic theory: nativelike selection and nativelike fluency. In J.C. Richards and R.W. Schmidt (eds), Language and communication (pp. 191-225), London: Longman.

Pinkman, K. (2005). Using blogs in the foreign language classroom: Encouraging learner independence. The JALT CALL Journal, 1(1), 12-24

Roed, J. (2003). Language leaner behaviour in a virtual environment. Computer assisted language learning, 16(2-3) 155-172

Santos (1988). Professors' reactions to the academic writing of non-native-speaking students. TESOL Quarterly 22, 69-90

Schmitt, N and Celce-Murcia, M. (2002). An overview of applied linguistics. In Schmitt, N. (Ed), An introduction of applied linguistics (pp,1-16). London: Arnold.

Schmitt, N., Schmitt, D. and Clapham, C. (2001). Developing and exploring the behaviour of two new versions of the Vocabulary Level Test. Language Testing 18(1), 55-88.

Silva, T. and P. Matsuda. (2002). Writing. In Schmitt, N. (Ed), An introduction of applied linguistics (pp,51-66). London: Arnold.

Skehan, P. (2004). Focus on form, tasks, and technology. Computer assisted language learning, 16(5), 391-411

Sullivan, N. (1993). Teaching writing on a computer network. TESOL Journal 3, 34-35.

Sullivan, N., &Pratt, E. (1996). A comparative study of ESL writing environments: A
computer-assisted classroom and a traditional oral classroom. System, 24(4), 491-501.

Swain, M.(1995). Three functions of putput in second language learning. In G.. Cook & B. Seidelhoffer (Eds.), Principles and practice in applied linguitics; Studies in
honour of H.G. Widdowson (pp, 125-144). Oxford. Oxford University Press.

Swain, M., & Laptkin, S, (1995). Problems in output and the cognitive processes the y generate: A step towards second language learning. Applied Linguistics, 16, 372-391.

Warschauer, M (1996). Motivational aspects of using computers for writing and communication. In M. Warschauer (Ed.), Telecollaboration in foreign language learning (pp. 29-46). Honolulu, Hi: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center.

Warschauer, M. (2000). Online learning in second language classrooms: An ethnographic study. In M. Warschauer & R. Kern (Eds.), Network-based language teaching: Concepts and practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Warschauer, M. (2004). Technological change and the future of CALL. In S.Fotos & C.Browne (Eds). New Perspectives on CALL for Second and Foreign Language Classrooms (pp,15-26).

Ward, J. (2004). Blog assisted language learning (BALL): Push button publishing for the pupils. TEFL Web Journal, 3(1). Retrieved February 16,2007 from

Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of Practice; Learning, Meaning, and Identity. New York: Cambridge University Press.

West, M. (1953). A general service list of English words. London: Longman, Green & Co.

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Reference on Computer and Writing

Absalom,M. and Marden, M.P. (2004). Email communication and language learning at university: An Austalian case study. Computer assisted language learning, 17(3-4), 403-440

Braine, G. (1997). Beyond word-processing: networked computers in ESL writing classes. Computers and Composition, 14: 45-58

Cooper, M. & Selfe, C. (1990). Computer conferences and learning: Authority, resistance, and internally persuasive discourse. College English, 52, 847-869.

Fotos, S.(2004). Writing as talking: E-mail exchange for promoting proficiency and motivation in the foreign language classroom. In S.Fotos & C.Browne (Eds). New Perspectives on CALL for Second and Foreign Language Classrooms (pp,109-129). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Hyland, K. (2002). Teaching and Researching Writing: Applied Linguistics in Action. Harlow: Longman.

Horwitz. E.K., Horwitz, M.B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 125-132.

Kern, R. (1995). Reconstructing classroom interaction with networked computers: Effects on quantity and quality of language production. Modern Language Journal. 79(4), 457-476.

Lam, W. S. E. (2000). Second language literacy and the design of the self: A case study of a teenager writing on the Internet. TESOL Quarterly, 34(3), 457-483.

Lam, Wan Shun Eva and Claire Kramsch (2003). The Ecology of an SLA Community in Computer-Mediated Environments in Leather, J. & J. van Dam (eds.), Ecology of Language Acquisition. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Publishers.

Lam, Wan Shun Eva (2006). Re-envisioning Language, Literacy, and the Immigrant Subject in New Mediascapes. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 1 (3): 171-195.

Levine, G.. S. (2003). Student and instructor beliefs and attitudes about target language use, first language use, and anxiety: Report of a questionnaire study. Modern Language

Matsuda, P. K. (2001). Voice in Japanese written discourse: Implications for second language writing. Journal of Second Language Writing, 10(1-2), 35-53

Mixi press release (2007), People using Mixi went beyond the line of eight million. Retrieved February 12, 2007 from

Pinkman, K. (2005). Using blogs in the foreign language classroom: Encouraging learner independence. The JALT CALL Journal, 1(1), 12-24

Roed, J. (2003). Language leaner behaviour in a virtual environment. Computer assisted language learning, 16(2-3) 155-172

Skehan, P. (2004). Focus on form, tasks, and technology. Computer assisted language learning, 16(5), 391-411

Sullivan, N. (1993). Teaching writing on a computer network. TESOL Journal 3, 34-35.

Sullivan, N., &Pratt, E. (1996). A comparative study of ESL writing environments: A computer-assisted classroom and a traditional oral classroom. System, 24(4), 491-501.

Swain, M.(1995). Three functions of putput in second language learning. In G.. Cook & B. Seidelhoffer (Eds.), Principles and practice in applied linguitics; Studies in honour of H.G. Widdowson (pp, 125-144). Oxford. Oxford University Press.

Swain, M., & Laptkin, S, (1995). Problems in output and the cognitive processes the y generate: A step towards second language learning. Applied Linguistics, 16, 372-391.
Ward, J. (2004). Blog assisted language learning (BALL): Push button publishing for the pupils. TEFL Web Journal, 3(1). Retrieved February 16,2007 from

Warschauer, M (1996). Motivational aspects of using computers for writing and communication. In M. Warschauer (Ed.), Telecollaboration in foreign language learning (pp. 29-46). Honolulu, Hi: University of Hawai’i, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center.

Warschauer, M. (2000). Online learning in second language classrooms: An ethnographic study. In M. Warschauer & R. Kern (Eds.), Network-based language teaching: Concepts and practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.

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Reference on Vocabulary

Chujo, Yoshimori, Hasegawa, Nishigaki, & Yamazaki (2007). Kotogakko Eigo Kyokasho No Goi [The vocabularies of selected high school English textbooks] Nihondaigaku Seisan Kogakubu Kenkyu Houkoku B, 40, 71-92. Retrieved March 16, 2008, from

Coxhead, A. (2000). A new Academic Word List. TESOL Quarterly 34(2), 213-238.

Ellis, N.C. (2003). Constructions, chunking, and connectionism: The emergence of second language structure. In C.J. Doughty & M.H. Long (Eds.), The handbook of second language acquisition (pp, 63-103). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Guest (2008). Japanese University Entrance Examinations: What Teachers Should Know. The Language Teacher, 32(2), 15-19.

Hasegawa (2003). Eiken Ni Kyu To Center Tests Ni Taisuru Eigo Kyokasho Goi No Koka – Kako Ju-nenkan No Tsujiteki Chosa [The effect of vocabularies in English textbooks on 2nd level STEP test and Center Tests] Step Bulletin 15, Nihon Eigo Kentei Kyokai 152-158.

Hasegawa and Chujo (2004). Gakushu Shido Youryo No Kaitei Ni Tomonau Gakko Eigo Kyokasho Goi No Jidaiteki Henka-1980 Nendai Kara Gendai Made- [Change of vocabularies used in textbooks with revision of the course of study- from 1980s to today] Language Education and Technology 41, 141-155

Kikuchi, K. (2006). Revisiting English Entrance Examinations at Japanese Universities after a Decade. JALT Journal, 28(1), 77-98

Laufer, B. (1994). The lexical profile of second language writing: Does it change over time? RELC Journal, 25(2), 21-33

Laufer, B. & Nation, P. (1995). Vocabulary size and use: lexical richness in L2 written production. Applied Linguistics 16(3), 307-322

Laufer, B. & Paribakht, T.S. (1998). The relationship between passive and active vocabularies: Effects of language learning context. Language Learning 48(3), 365-391

Mochizuki, Aizawa, & Tono (2003). Eigo Goi No Shido Manyuaru [The manual for teaching English vocabulary]. Tokyo: Taishukan.

Monbu –kagaku-sho(2001). Gakushu Shido Youryo [(Foreign language in secondary school :) The course of study] Retrieved March 16, 2008, from

Monbu –kagaku-sho (2008). Gakushu Shido Youryoan Kaitei No Pointo [(Foreign language in secondary school :) The course of study] Retrieved March 16, 2008, from

Nation, I. S. P. (2001). Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Nation, I. S. P. (2004). Vocabulary resources booklet. English Language Institute Occasional Publication, 21, 1. Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies

Pawley, A. and Syder, F.H. (1983). Two puzzles for linguistic theory: nativelike selection and nativelike fluency. In J.C. Richards and R.W. Schmidt (eds), Language and communication (pp. 191-225), London: Longman.

Sakaguchi (1996). Koutougakkou Kyoukasho No Goi Kara Mita Jitsuyo Eigo Ginou Kentei (Jyun ikkyu, Nikkyu) Oyobi Daigaku Nyushi Center Shiken [STEP tests-pre1st grade and second grade from the perspective of vocabularies in textbooks used in senior high schools] Step Bulletin 13, Nihon Eigo Kentei Kyokai 138-146

Schmitt, N and Celce-Murcia, M. (2002). An overview of applied linguistics. In Schmitt, N. (Ed), An introduction of applied linguistics (pp, 1-16). London: Arnold.

West, M. (1953). A General service list of English words. London: Longman, Green & Co.

Xam 2007 English [Computer software] Chiba: JC Educational Institute

Yamanish (2000). Eiken Shutoku kyu To Daigaku Nyushi Center Shiken Eigo Kamoku No Tensu To No Soukan Kankei [The correlation between grades of STEP tests and scores of Center Tests in English section] Step Bulletin 13, Nihon Eigo Kentei Kyokai 26-42.


Reference on Belief

Brown, J. D., Robson, G., & Rosenkjar, P.R. (2001). Personality, motivation, anxiety, strategies, and language proficiency of Japanese students. In Z, Dornyei & R. Schmidt (Eds.), Motivation and second language acquisition. (Technical Report #23, pp. 361-398). Honolulu.

Cantwell, R.H. (1988). The development of beliefs about learning from mid-to-late adolescence. Educational Psychology, 18(1), 27-39.

Dornyei,Z (2001) Teaching and researching motivation London: Pearson Education Ltd.

Horwitz, E.K. (1987). Surveying student beliefs about language learning. In A.

Wenden & J. Rubin (Eds.), Learner Strategies in Language Learning. (pp.119-129). Prentice Hall.

Horwitz, E.K. (1988). The beliefs about language learning of beginning university foreign language students. The Modern Language Journal, 72, 283-294.

Irie, K.(2003). What do we know about the language learning motivation of university students in Japan? Some patterns in survey studies. JALT Journal, 25(1), 86-100.

Kern, R.G.(1995). Students’ and teachers’ beliefs about language learning. Foreign Language Annals, 28, 71-92.

Nakayama, A, Ochiai, M, Inada, K, Mori, M, & Kuramoto, K. (2004). The gap between teachers’ and learners’ beliefs. In K. Bradford-Watts, C. Ikeguchi, & M. Swanson (Eds.), JALT 2004 Conference Proceedings. Tokyo: JALT.

Okazaki, H. (1996). Kyoujuhou no jugyo ga jukousei no motsu gengokakusyuu ni tsuite no kakushin ni oyobosu kouka [Effects of a method course for pre-service teachers on beliefs on language learning. Journal of Japanese Language Teaching, 89, 25-38.

Richardson, V. (1996). The role of attitudes and beliefs in learning to teach. In Sikula, J. (ed.), Handbook of research on teacher education, Second edition. (pp. 102-119). New York: Macmillan.

Schommer, M. (1994). An emerging conceptualization of epistemological beliefs and their role in learning. In R. Garner & P.A. Alexander (Eds.), Beliefs about text and instruction with text. Hillsdale, NJ: Eribaum.

Shimoyama, Y, Isoda, T, & Yamamori, K. (2002). Learner beliefs in language learning in the CALL environment. JALT Journal, 24(2), 155-166.

Suzuki, S.(2004, November). Japanese teachers’ beliefs about learning and teaching. Paper presented at the second international conference of ASIA TEFL. Seoul, South Korea.

Suzuki, S, & Wada, T. (2004, November). Survey on Japanese learners’ beliefs about language learning. Paper presented at the second international conference of ASIA TEFL. Seoul, South Korea.

Takayama.Y (2004) Learner belief strength and English language proficiency of Japanese female university students. Rikkyo University Journal of Language and the Humanities, 21-35

Weinstein, C.S. (1989). Teacher education: Students’ pre-conceptions of teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 40(2), 53-60.


Sunday, July 06, 2008

Long Time No See!

Hi, everyone. It has been more than one year since I graduated from my grad school in Tokyo. During this period, I have been absorbed in not only teaching English, but also helping students get their own decipline in their daily lives, facilitating them to select their own career after their graduation, and so forth. As you know being a teacher in public high school in Japan equals helping students at all aspects!
During this period, I got 1st grade at STEP test, but I could not find big improvements in my research project. Though I will have two presentation in August and November both in Tokyo, I have no plan to get my work published. I do not have enough motivation to do that at least now.
During this period, my interest moves from studying on TESOL and English education to studying on self-help, work-life-balance, and economy. I have been motivated by those stuffs base on deep relationshipes between those and my daily life's needs. In the long view, however, I know committing studying on TESOL and English education will bear big fruits.
