Toru's TESOL Life

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Sunday, October 01, 2006


I presented my research plan today at the class of applied linguistics. My reserch topic are how each test to assess students English performance at Reading class correlated with each other. I actually am fed up with Literature review, so i decided to do research, though there will be some literature review- like parts on my paper as previous research or something like that.

The field i am now interested in is testing and curiculum development. So i would like to persue those field a litte bit more through writing this paper. At the Research course i took this summer, i wrote a research paper about motivation. At first, i had planned to write paper on that topic, but, i actually am demotivated with that topic now, so i changed this topic into test scores themselves.

I mean, at the reserch paper of the class of Research, test scores were used as dependent variables, but at the paper of this class, test scores themselves are the main topics. So i want to analyze the relationships with each other. Hopefully i want to back up the paper with literature review- like stuff about readability (because it is about the class of Reading), program evaluation, and curiculum development.



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